Durably sequestering carbon, increasing resource management, and improving soil health makes our refined carbon a premiere way to tackle climate change and produce impactful co-benefits.
Traditionally, waste has created a range of problems including resource inefficiency, increased costs, pollution, and contaminant runoff but fortunately there is another way. We collect woody biomass from a range of sources that are all either destined for the landfill or open burn pits, this is the beginning of our circular system - the prevention of the degradation or incineration of carbon rich material. Without intervention this material would result in future carbon emissions.
Pyrolysis technology is a tested, quantifiable, and patented way to produce valuable products from waste biomass, this process is the foundation of Karmanterra’s circular solution and what powers our brand of regenerative development. Essentially pyrolysis is the heating of biomass absent the presence of oxygen, resulting in a nearly pure carbon material.
Once produced, we execute specific post-treatment processes to further refine the biochar, including micronizing it into nano-particles, infusing with biostimulants, and blending it with other media to create structural soils. Our transformative products will revitalize desertified and fallow land while fulfilling ambitious climate goals and targets.
While biochar and its refined derivatives like nanochar are able to restore soil in a range of conditions and climates, we believe the greatest impact will come from treating desert soils in countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Targeting issues like high alkalinity, low nutrient density, and high salinity, our refined nanochar is manufactured and processed to produce beneficial outcomes that reverse desertification and allow for the greening of desert landscapes.
Among many benefits, biochar and nanochar both solve inherent problems of waste disposal and create opportunities for regeneration of degraded land. Studies and real-world pilots have shown incredible results from the application of biochar across soil types, climatic conditions, and crop types.
Water scarcity is a global problem made worse in some regions by changing climatic conditions. Our nanochar is porous and has high surface area which allows it to store water and provide it to the root system when needed.
Soil pH can make establishing new plants incredibly difficult due, generally biochar is alkaline but can also be post-processed to bring it into acidity. Depending on your specific needs, we have a solution to acheive neutrality.
Biochar improves yield and plant health so it's only natural to expect associated increases in carbon uptake. Interestingly, a recent study has validated this, showing an increase of soil carbon by two times the amount of biochar applied.
With high cation and anion exchange properties, biochar is a natural conductor. A broad range of studies have shown its efficacy in binding to toxins and heavy metals which has broad implications across agricultural and water treatment.
Biochar promotes the metabolic activities of soil microbes and increases the abundance of the microbial community within a range of soil types and climates. This allows for healthier soils that ultimately make healthier plants.
With its incredible ability to bind to nutrients, soil application of biochar, over time, reduces the amount of fertilizer required. As the industry matures and new data emerges, we expect the cost savings to be a main driver for the adoption of biochar.
Pyrolysis of waste into biochar and nanochar is the premiere way to bring value to once discarded raw materials while also increasing water retention in soil, sequestering carbon, and combating desertification in the Middle East. Karmanterra's integrated waste solutions is facilitating a new model for sustainable development in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other GCC countries.
Get involvedThe beauty of our nature-based system is its ability to scale to levels that create quantifiable impacts. Looking to solve your waste problem? Our base level system is able to process a significant amount of biomass in a relatively small footprint and can be "right-sized" for a region or municipalities needs.
Biomass Source
Annual production
Annual Carbon Sequestration
Offsetting carbon emissions is required in order for the global community to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Every ton of biochar placed into soil durably (>1000 yrs) sequesters roughly three tons of carbon from the atmosphere, this, while also improving the systems it’s integrated into, makes it one of the best ways to generate quality carbon credits and reduce your footprint.